George Stephenson (1827)

My Dear,
Robert your very welcom letter dated Oct 26 1826 we duly received and was glad to here such good newes from Columbia respecting the mines but at the same time greatly disapointed at you not geting home so soon as was expected however I hope all will be for the best, and I must waddle on as well as I can until you get to joine me. There has been a florishing a count of your men in the English pappers and great creadit is given to Robert Stephenson for his good management of them. I must now let you know how we are getting on in this quarter. Yore mother is geting her tea beside me while I am riting this and in good spirits. she has been in Liverpool a bout a fortnight. we have got a very comfortable home, and a Roume set a side for Robert and Charels when they arive in England. We are getting rapitly on with the tunnal under Liverpool it is 22 feet width & 16 feet high we have 6 shafts and driving right & left we have also got a great deal done on chat moss and on the same plans that I prepared befor parlament 2 years a go which plans was condemed by almost all the Engineers in England these plans is by cuting & imbanking with the moss some of the laths 12 feet high and stand remarkably well.